Praise for Badges, Bears, and Eagles from International Game Warden Magazine
Receiving praise from one’s peers is always extra gratifying. I am proud to share an excerpt from a review of my book which appeared in the Summer 2013 issue of International Game Warden magazine:
“Badges, Bears, and Eagles is exceptionally well written and professionally produced, which is certainly not the case with many non-fiction game warden books these days. The involvement of a publishing house very likely aided in elevating this book to a higher caliber. The writing style is almost flawless, and reading this gem is pure effortless joy. The variety of tales that are told keeps this book fresh throughout. Badges, Bears, and Eagles certainly ranks up there with some of the best non-fiction game warden books I have read in a long time.”
—Reviewer: Gerry Lister
steve worthley
I,m not at all surprised at this review. When I read the book I thought it should be required reading for all law enforcement people, but especially for those involved with fish and game law.
I can’t thank you enough for your kind words. I really appreciate your comments!
All my best,